Preparing For Your Visit

Communication and Paperwork:
Lovely Latch Lactation uses IntakeQ, a HIPPA compliant portal. Upon booking, you will receive a link to our portal which you can access from your phone and your computer. You will be able to access your plan of care for each appointment here, send messages directly to your IBCLC, as well as access telehealth appointments when scheduled. For direct access go to
You are responsible for completing intake forms prior to your scheduled appointment.
Please take the following steps to optimize our time together.
Please complete the intake form to the best of your ability as well as sign my consent form. The Notices of Privacy policy and Non-Discrimination statement are available for your viewing.
It is helpful if your baby will be ready to eat about a 15 min after our scheduled appointment time. This allows us time to chat and do weight checks before your baby is starving. This does not always work out so don’t stress! I will do my best to contact you before your appointment and confirm the timing will work with your baby’s next meal. If there is flexibility available we can work together to change the time slightly, if not we will make it work!
Choose a location for our visit
Choose a location in your home where you are comfortable nursing, pumping, and or feeding. I will need a cleared, flat surface to place my scale for the weight checks. This can be a table or the floor. I will weigh the baby with a clean dry diaper, which they will wear until the after weight is complete. Having a light weight swaddle blanket on hand is helpful too.
I love animals but some animals have strong reactions to strangers especially after a new baby arrives. If your pets are being territorial or distracting from our visit, I ask that they be put in a separate space.
Having some information ready for our visit helps me get the information I need quickly and allows us more time to work on any issues you are having. Information I may ask for includes:
- Dates and most recent weights.
- Number of wet and dirty diapers in last 24 hours.
- If pumping, number of times per day and average amount per pump.
- If supplementing, the total amount in ounces per day, amount per feeding and how much breast milk and/or formula is being used.
- Think about what an ideal feeding situation looks like to you. We will discus your goals during our session.
- Make a list of any questions you have for me.
My arrival
Please let me know ahead of time if there is somewhere you would like me to park. Or if you have any specifics about finding you home.
For More Information, Read my FAQ Page

Hi, I'm Ashley!
Like you, I'm a mom in the midst of the chaos of daily life with little ones. I get it, each day is a rollercoaster of emotions. Big smiles and laughter to mom guilt, wondering if you are doing what's best for your child.
My personal struggles with breastfeeding brought me to my passion of helping parents feel supported and in control of their feeding journeys. Life likes to throw out curveballs like tongue ties, mastitis, stubborn latchers, and just plain exhaustion. I understand and I’m here to help you meet your breastfeeding goals and enjoy the precious moments that nursing can bring.